Durty Dabbers Motorcycle Club

Dual Sport Motorcycle and Observed Trials Motorcycle Club in Lock Haven PA.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Coming up on June 2-3 2012 will be the 22nd Annual Durty Dabber's Great Adventure Dual Sport Ride. Plans are underway to organize another great year for the Dual Sport Ride. Please read the Blog postings below for details on what to bring, where to go, and what to expect.

email your questions about the dual sport to: questions@durtydabbers.com or president@durtydabbers.com.

For any last minute parts, gear, oils, tires, bike maintenance, or accessories, check out G-Brick Motorsports. www.gbrickmotorsports.com  or call 570-726-3343


Saturday, April 14, 2012

2012 Durty Dabber Dual Sport Update

Durty Dabbers
2012 Durty Dabber Dual Sport Update
Plans for the 22nd annual Durty Dabber Great Adventure Dual Sport are moving along nicely at this point. We have met with all 3 forestry districts and have worked out the technical and regulatory issues. We are now down to refining the layout of the course. We are happy to announce that we will have at least 2 and maybe even 3 new alternates for each day.

The adventure bike course is being given more attention this year and we are attempting to add more scenic views to the route. For the main course on Sunday we were able to recover a considerable amount of single track land for riding that we lost the last 2 years.

The trials exhibition that we have during dinner is expected to be bigger and better than ever. We have a large trials club and in fact have some newly crowned National trials champions who will be riding and performing for everyone throughout the evening.

As we finalize the course will be able to provide more updates to the weekend events.
AMA / Husqvarna press release - http://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/news/ridingnews/12-02-17/Husqvarna_announced_as_title_sponsor_of_2012_AMA_Husqvarna_National_Dual_Sport_Trail

Address of Campground/ weekend activity
859 Lower Creek Road, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Address of Friday Night Rider Reception at G-Brick Motorsports
7893 Eagle valley Road, Mill Hall, PA 17751

$10 for the weekend. There is plenty of camping. No hookups. There is hot showers, flush toilets, cell service.
You may have pets and campfires (pending weather conditions)
There is a designated noisy area at the campground behind the large building.

Rider Reception
A rider reception is held Friday night at G- Brick Motorsports.
The club provides drinks, snacks, home baked goodies.
Sign up is also available at the reception from 6-8 PM.

What kind of gear will I need to wear?
It is recommended that helmet, goggles, boots, gloves and any other protective equipment be worn throughout the weekend.

Bike requirements
All bikes should be licensed and insured.
The evening meal will be served at around 5 PM. The menu items haven’t been finalized yet for this year however in the past the fire company has served ham, hot sausage, beans, salads, cake, beverage.
During dinner our trials riders will put on a spectacular demonstration that is always a crowd pleaser. We are happy to report that several of our trials riders obtained national titles in 2011.
The prizes will be given away after dinner as in the past. We try each year to improve and simplify that process.

How difficult is the course?
The main course is designed for dual sport bikes such as the DRZ 400 and the Honda XR series along with any standard enduro type bike.
Riding ability is intended for the average dual sport rider. The alternate course in more difficult and is intended for the true enduro rider.
The adventure bike course is intended for the larger bikes such as the Yamaha Tenere, BMW GS series and he Suzuki V-Strom. This course is less single track and more of a scenic nature ride.

Course Makeup
Our goal is for the main course to have less than 15 miles of the 100 per day of paved roads.

Can I ride with my friends if we have different types of bikes?
The course intersects approximately every 10-12 miles so you could meet up at different intervals during the event.
How much fuel range is required?
Saturday fuel stops will be no further than 40 miles apart
Sunday fuel stop is approximately 60 miles from the start therefore a truck will be available to carry your gas cans to a designated spot if you may need gas before that time.
The truck will bring your gas can back to the picnic area as soon as possible however in the past riders have had to leave for home before the truck returned. So a suggestion is to not use your favorite/expensive gas can in case you decide to leave it behind.

Knobby tires are preferable for the alternate course and nice for the main course but not necessary. Dual purpose and adventure bike tires are fine foe the adventure bike course.
Flat Tires (the biggest mechanical problem of the weekend)
If you run 15 pounds or greater the chance of a flat tire is minimal.
If you run under 15 pounds you can count of a flat tire! Please come prepared with extra tubes.

What if I am not sure of my riding ability?
The way the course is designed all participants can start out on an easier route and move to a harder route at any of the resets.
The “Famous” water crossing
The water crossing is FUN and not as hard as some people make it! It is an alternate so you do not have to do it however a tip for getting through the water crossing is to stand on your pegs and go slowly through the water. The kids will be there to help you if you get hung up and the large crowd of locals enjoy cheering you on as you blast your way through. Don’t be intimidated!!!!

What happens if I break down or get hurt during the weekend
We have a minimum of 6 (usually many more) rescue trucks that are placed strategically on the course. The guys have minimal maintenance capabilities such as assisting with a tire change but can transport you and/or your bike back to the pits if needed.
The phone numbers of the club members in the rescue trucks will be included at the end of your roll charts however keep in mind that cell service is limited in some of the areas you will be riding in.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Members of the “Durty Dabbers” received end-of-year awards at a banquet in Harrisburg recently. From left are, in front: Lance Budinger, Colton Weaver, Steve Krouse, Logan Bolopue and Terry Anselmo; and in back: Kenny Riggle, Brian Stull, Ryan Long, Rod Wheeler, Brandon Wheeler, Bucky Wheeler, Nick Mantzoros, Mike Young, Jennifer Mantzoros, Scott Houser, Clyde Wise and Nils Mantzoros.    


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dual Sport Events

June 1, 2012 Fri 6-8PM Rider reception and Early Signup at G-Brick Motorsports (formerly Williamson Honda) Mill Hall, PA
June 2, 2012 Sat – Castanea Fire Hall Picnic Grounds, Lockhaven, PA
- Sign up starting at 9:00 am
- Riders meeting 10:45 am
- Event start at 11:00 am
June 3, 2012 Sun – Castanea Fire Hall Picnic Grounds, Lockhaven, PA
- Sign up 8:00 am
- Riders meeting at 8:45 am
- Event start 9:00 am
Have questions about an any event on the schedule click the following link: questions@durtydabbers.com

2012 Vintage Trials Events

Durty Dabbers Farrandsville, Pa. 9-15-2012 (Two day event Vintage Saturday, Modern Sunday)
More Vintage events can be found here –> http://www.mid-atlantictrials.com/2011MAVTSchedule_1.html

2012 District 6 Trials Schedule

For more info visit - D6Trials
Durty Dabbers Farrandsville, Pa. 9-16-2012

2012 NATC National MotoTrials Schedule

More info can be found here –> http://mototrial.us/schedule

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Helping the community

Beside riding motorcycles, participating in Trials events, or hosting the Annual Dual Sport Ride; the Durty Dabbers Motorcycle Club has assisted the community in a positive way over the last several years.

The proceeds from the Annual Farrandsville Trials event is donated back to the community and the local church in Farrandsville PA.

The club also works with DCNR to clear out trails on state forest land for the Annual Dual Sport Ride that is later used for hiking, bicycling, and horseback riding. Clinton County also sees an economic benefit with an influx of around 600 riders coming to the area that eat at local restaurants and stay in local hotels.




Adventure Bike

2011 brought the addition of the KTM Adventure Bike series to the Annual Durty Dabbers Great Adventure Dual Sport Ride.  KTM was the primary sponsor of the event a change from Yamaha the year before. KTM showed up on site with the factory tractor trailer full of new KTM Adventure motorcycles, promotional materials, tools, and parts to assist the riders.

KTM has been quite active with the planning this past year due to the help from Mark Hyde who is not only the man in charge of the national enduros but also the dual sport and adventure bike rides. He brought the full KTM support factory truck and some of the top national and international riders to motivate and support the weekend event.

The Adventure Bike riders run a similiar course than that of the Dual Sport Riders but more road/hard surface oriented because of the wieght and mass of these bikes. Adventure Riders came from all over the country this past year for the ride. 


Motorcycle trials, also termed observed trials, is a non-speed event on specialized motorcycles. The sport is most popular in the United Kingdom and Spain, though there are participants around the globe.

Motorcycle trials is often utilized by competitors of other motorcycle sports (such as motocross or street racers) as a way to cross-train, as trials teaches great throttle, balance, and machine control.

The event is split into sections where a competitor rides through an obstacle course while attempting to avoid touching the ground with the feet. The obstacles in the course may be of natural or constructed elements. In all sections, regardless of content, the designated route is carefully contrived to test the skill of the rider. In many local observed trials events, the sections are divided into separate courses to accommodate the different skill level of riders, who compete in skill-rated classes.

In every section, the competitor is scored by an observer (hence the sport's name) who counts how many times the competitor touches the ground with the foot (or any other part of the body). Each time a competitor touches the ground with a foot (commonly called "dabs" or "prods"), the penalty is one point.

The possible scores in each section consist of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 5. If a competitor makes their way through the section without touching the ground with a foot, they earn a score of 0 (which is called "cleaning the section"). If they touch the ground once, they receive a score of 1. If they touch down twice, they receive a score of 2. If they touch the ground three or more times, they earn a score of 3—as long as they complete the section without stalling the motor, dismounting, going out of bounds, or going backward. If the competitor fails to complete the section a score of 5 (sometimes colourfully called "a fiasco") is earned. The winner is the competitor with the fewest points at the end of the event. Some events are also timed with penalty points assessed to late riders.



Logan Bolopue

The Durty Dabbers Motorcycle Club in Lock Haven PA participates in a variety of motorcycling activities including Dual Sport Rides, Adventure Touring, and Observed Trials. One of the young members of the Durty Dabbers is Logan Bolopue who has had much success in the sport of Observed Trials. 

Below are some links, stories, and discussions involving Logan:





Good Luck this season to Logan!

Monday, February 13, 2012

2012 U.S. Dirt Bike Rides: Adventure Rides

2012 U.S. Dirt Bike Rides: Adventure Rides: 2012 Adventure Rides Click on ride to link to Club's Page Alaska Tag the Deadhorse Adventure Ride - June 21-25 2012 Arizona Howing at the M...

2012 U.S. Dirt Bike Rides: MAGIX Movie Edit Pro

2012 U.S. Dirt Bike Rides: MAGIX Movie Edit Pro: When you capture video with your HD camera the first thing you want to do when you get home is see what you recorded, and then edit it for...

Forums and Links

Many people are getingt excited about the upcoming 22nd Annual Durty-Dabbers Great Adventure Dual Sport ride every June in Lock Haven Pa. I have found links to other posts, blogs and forums involving the Durty Dabbers Motorcycle club.


http://www.amadistrict7.com/Dual_Sport/    American Motorcyclist Assoc.



http://www.damnriders.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1828   Dual Sport Adventurers of Maryland and Nearby



http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Adurty%20dabbers&page=1  book






and of course, all the videos on You-Tube:


I am sure there are many more links, sites, blogs, and forums pertaining to off-road motorcycling and the Durty Dabbers Motorcycle club. Check out the ride this year June 2-3 2012 in Lock Haven PA, check out this Blog or go to: http://www.durtydabbers.com/  for more info. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2012 U.S. Dual Sport Rides: Free Dirt Bike Prizes

2012 U.S. Dual Sport Rides: Free Dirt Bike Prizes: In the short time U.S. Dual Sport Rides has been on the web riders have supported the page in a way I never expected. The hits to the page...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dual Sport Necessities

If your preparing to participate in the upcoming Dual Sport Ride hosted by the Durty Dabbers June 2-3 2012 in Lock Haven or any other off-road ride this year, then here are a few items to be checked into your equipment arsenal.
  • Street-Legal Off-Road or Dual Sport Motorcycle
    • -Yes it needs to be legal: License, Insurance, Registration, Current State Inspection. 
  • Make sure motorcycle is in excellent mechanical condition
    • Don't want breakdowns on the trail
    • check: tires, brakes, engine oil, air filter, fork seals, coolant, bearings, cables, lights, suspension, hand grips, check spokes and fasteners
    • Make sure battery is fully charged and tested
  • Bring spare tires and tubes
    • flats happen, be prepared
  • Have good Googles
    • reccommend Tear-offs, or Roll-off system
    • bring a spare pair
  • Boots
    • over-ankle, motocross boots reccommended                  
  • Protective equipment
    • knee guards
    • chest protector
    • Helmet (duh)
  • Armor for bike
    • skid plates
    • hand guards
    • engine guards
  • Roll Charts
    • required for trail maps
    • not every turn has an arrow on a tree
    • GPS suggested also
  • Tool Kit
  • First Aid
  • Water -suggest camel back system
  • camera (to capture all the fun)


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Durty Dabbers Motorcycle Club in Lock Haven PA, recently received the award for Recreational Off Road Organizer of the Year at the American Motorcyclist Association's Banquet of Champions held in Las Vegas, Nevada this past November. The banquet represented over 2000 motorcycle clubs across the United States. This award is well deserved when considering all the effort the members of the Durty Dabbers put in all year prior to the event.

This year's Annual Durty Dabbers Great Adventure Dual Sport Ride will be held June 2-3, 2012 starting at the Castanea Fire Hall Picnic grounds in Lock Haven Pennsylvania.

Dual Sport Events

June 1, 2012 Fri 6-8PM Rider reception and Early Signup at G-Brick Motorsports (formerly Williamson Honda) Mill Hall, PA            www.gbrickmotorsports.com
June 2, 2012 Sat – Castanea Fire Hall Picnic Grounds, Lockhaven, PA
- Sign up starting at 9:00 am
- Riders meeting 10:45 am
- Event start at 11:00 am
June 3, 2012 Sun – Castanea Fire Hall Picnic Grounds, Lockhaven, PA
- Sign up 8:00 am
- Riders meeting at 8:45 am
- Event start 9:00 am

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

  Many of the Durty Dabber members participate in as sport known as Observed Trials. This unique type of competition is not about pure speed but rather a careful finesse of maneuvering the motorcycle over various obstacles including natural and man-made. The participants are required to make it through a timed section racing the clock and are not allowed to put their feet down (Dab) during the run otherwise face penalties. The Durty Dabbers participate in many events around the country as well as host one here in central PA.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

One way to experience several different types of riding conditions while staying on the same machine is to ride a Dual-Sport motorcycle. Central PA is home to one of the nation's largest offroad motorcycle rides: The Annual Durty Dabber Great Adventure Dual Sport.

Formed in 1979 with ten members, the Durty Dabbers today has over 100 actively participating members who organize, coordinate, assist, and ride in various dual sport and observed trials events.
dsc_0979 dsc_0989

The Durty Dabbers held their First National Dual Sport in 1990 with approximately 100 riders participating. Now in it's 21st year, the annual Dual Sport ride attracts close to 600 riders from all over the country. The event is every year the weekend after Memorial Day (usually the first weekend in June) and will be held this year June 2 &3 2012 in Lock Haven PA.



Central PA: The place to start

Central Pennsylvania is one of the most scenic places to ride in the country. The windy roads, breathtaking vistas, local establishments, historical sights, foliage, water, mud, rocks, or snow can be enjoyed by anything with handlebars. Whether your wake jumping on your personal watercraft, cruising the two-lane backroads on your motorcycle, climbing over rocks on your ATV, or blitzing whoops on your dirtbike the Keystone state has it for you.